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Understanding Infant Gas: What to Do When Your Baby is Gassy

Is your baby struggling with gas? Discover the symptoms, causes, and solutions for infant gas.

If you’ve decided to take your new baby to the nearby coffee shop for the first time, and your little one starts grunting and grimacing, you quickly realize it’s baby gas. Welcome to parenthood! A gassy baby is completely common and normal, especially considering the tiny and immature digestive systems of infants.

Babies pass gas frequently, and it is often followed by a noticeable relief. Gas troubles usually begin shortly after birth or when babies are just a couple of weeks old. Thankfully, most babies outgrow this phase by the time they are 4 to 6 months old, although for some, gassiness may persist for a bit longer.

The primary reason infants are gassy is their underdeveloped digestive systems, which leads them to swallow air during feedings. Additionally, certain sensitivities to foods in a breastfeeding mother’s diet or to a particular type of formula can exacerbate gas.

Gassy Baby Signs and Symptoms

While it’s normal for all babies to pass some gas, the following signs may indicate that the gas issue is more than just typical:

  • Your baby cries and is fussy for over an hour daily. This could be a sign of normal newborn gassiness, which is a part of having a tiny, immature digestive system. However, if this continues daily without signs of improvement, it’s best to consult your pediatrician.
  • Your baby seems unhappy most of the time. This could suggest your baby is particularly gassy and may require more help. If gas causes significant discomfort, it might indicate an issue beyond just typical gassiness.
  • Your baby is struggling to eat or sleep well. Difficulty with eating or sleeping could have many causes, but gas could be contributing, especially if there are other signs. Consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.
  • Your baby appears to be in pain, squirming and pulling his legs up to his chest. This is often observed during bouts of fussiness and could signal that the gas is causing discomfort.

Gassy Baby Causes

There are several reasons why babies might experience gas:

  • Swallowing air during feedings or crying. This is incredibly common and expected among newborns.
  • An underdeveloped digestive system. Sometimes, food moves through the system too quickly, not allowing it to break down completely.
  • Sensitivities to certain formulas or foods in a breastfeeding mother’s diet. In rarer cases, food allergies may also be the cause.

What Are the Best Remedies for Baby Gas Relief?

If your baby seems uncomfortable due to gas, here are some ways you can help alleviate it:

Burp Your Baby Twice A lot of discomfort in newborns is caused by swallowing air during feedings. In addition to burping your baby after feeding, try gently patting his back mid-feed to help release air before it reaches his bowels. If your baby turns away from the breast or bottle after a few minutes, it’s likely related to gas rather than fullness.

For bottle-fed babies, consider burping after every 2 to 3 ounces, and for breastfeeding, every five to 10 minutes (although this can be trickier).

Control the Air Try feeding your baby in a more upright position to reduce the air swallowed during mealtime. If breastfeeding, make sure your baby is properly latched. For bottle-feeding, use anti-gas nipples and bottles, which help minimize air intake. Avoid shaking the bottle too much, as it can introduce extra bubbles to the milk.

Feed Before Meltdowns While crying is unpredictable, it’s important to note that the more your baby cries, the more air he swallows, leading to more gas. Learning to identify your baby’s hunger cues early can help you prevent unnecessary crying.

Try the Colic Carry Lay your baby tummy-down across your knees or hold him under his belly with your forearm while gently massaging his back. The gentle pressure on his tummy can relieve gas and discomfort, while touch can help calm a fussy baby.

Offer Infant Gas Drops While not effective for all babies, infant gas drops are considered safe and may provide relief. Always check the label for the least amount of preservatives and consult your pediatrician before using them.

Do Baby Bicycles Place your baby on his back and gently cycle his legs towards his tummy to help release trapped air. Alternatively, pull his knees up to his tummy, hold for 10 seconds, then release and straighten the legs. Repeat several times.

Encourage Tummy Time Tummy time is great for building the muscles needed for head lifting, crawling, and walking. Additionally, the pressure on your baby’s tummy during tummy time can help relieve gas. Wait at least 20 to 30 minutes after feeding before doing tummy time to avoid spitting up.

Give Your Baby a Rub-Down A gentle massage can help ease gas. Start by rubbing your baby’s tummy, then gently massage his shoulders, back, and legs. This may help him relax and pass gas more easily.

Check Your Diet if You’re Breastfeeding If you are breastfeeding, talk to your pediatrician about eliminating foods that might cause gas in your baby. Common culprits include dairy products, caffeine, onions, garlic, spicy foods, and cabbage. However, some babies are not affected by these foods.

Test New Formulas There are formulas on the market designed to reduce gassiness. Speak to your doctor about whether switching formulas might help your baby.

Talk to Your Doctor About Chamomile Tea Some pediatricians recommend giving your baby cool or warm chamomile tea through a dropper as it may help ease gas pain. However, consult your pediatrician before introducing chamomile tea to your baby.

Try Baby Gripe Water Gripe water, typically a blend of herbs like fennel and ginger, may soothe gas and colic symptoms. Always consult your pediatrician before offering gripe water to your baby.

Consider Probiotics Probiotics support the GI system and are found in fermented foods like kimchi and yogurt, as well as in supplements. Though probiotics have been shown to reduce gassiness in people with bowel conditions, more research is needed for their effectiveness in babies. Always consult your pediatrician before giving your baby any probiotic product.

What Infant Gas Drops Are Safe and Effective?

Infant gas drops containing simethicone work by breaking up gas bubbles. Simethicone is also found in common anti-gas medications for adults. While research on their effectiveness is mixed, they are generally considered safe for babies.

If you’re thinking about trying infant gas drops, consult your pediatrician to ensure you’re using the right kind and to clarify the dosage. Most brands recommend up to 12 doses per day, but always follow the instructions on the label.

If a friend or relative suggests a gas treatment from another country or one not approved by the FDA, do not give it to your baby without checking with your pediatrician first.

Can Breastfeeding Make a Baby Gassy?

Some research suggests that the foods in a breastfeeding mom’s diet may contribute to gassiness, though the evidence is inconclusive. Instead of drastically altering your diet, focus on minimizing how much air your baby swallows during feedings by ensuring proper latch and burping your baby twice during each feeding.

If you notice that your baby seems more gassy after consuming certain foods, consider cutting them from your diet and observe any changes. Some foods that may contribute to gas include:

  • Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower
  • Dairy and eggs
  • Spicy, onion-laden, or garlic-heavy meals

What’s the Best Formula for a Gassy Baby?

Some formulas are marketed specifically to reduce gas, such as those with protein hydrolysate, lower lactose, or those containing soy or whey instead of cow’s milk. However, research does not indicate that any particular formula works significantly better than others to reduce gas or colic.

Some parents find that switching to hydrolysate-based formulas, which break down milk protein, may ease digestion. Others may benefit from formulas with probiotics. Before switching formulas, speak with your doctor.

How Can I Tell the Difference Between Regular Infant Gas and Colic?

Gas and colic can seem similar, but they are different conditions. Colic often stems from overstimulation and an immature nervous system, whereas gassiness is a result of an underdeveloped digestive system. If your baby cries intensely for long stretches at the same time each day (typically in the evening), and this lasts for at least three hours, three times a week, for several weeks, they might be experiencing colic.

Colicky babies often cry uncontrollably, and no amount of soothing seems to help.

When to Call the Doctor for a Gassy Baby

While gas is generally harmless, there are times when it’s important to check in with your doctor:

  • If your baby isn’t gaining weight.
  • If your baby is hard to feed or refuses to eat, which could signal reflux or another digestive issue.
  • If your baby is constipated or has difficulty with bowel movements.
  • If your baby has an allergic reaction to a new gas treatment or formula.
  • If your baby is vomiting, has bloody or black stools, or has a fever.

If your baby is gaining weight, peeing, and pooping normally, then the gas is likely just part of the growing process. Baby gas usually passes with time.

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